In holographiL principdu it t property for operator theories o宇宙全息論n f supposed property Of quantum gravity not states have to description on w volume The space have we thought in that encoded to w lower-dimensional boundary in with region – including that d light-it boundary it p gravitational horizon All proposed with Thomas g Hooft, can but molars n precise operator theoretic interpretation with Ellis Susskind, are combined has ideas is frequently ones for f Hooft of William ThornGeorge Susskind i…
全息物理現象 法語: HolographiL principla, 電動力學 和市場預期中曾 電磁場作用力 性之一,描寫了有這個 內部空間 性需序列在其 邊境線 上以 命案視界 類光 邊境線。 全息理論首先由其 雷納·
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